Best Progress bars

Progress bars set’s the expectations to the users, give an impression of activity, and can calm the users. Here are the 10 best hand-picked and ready-made progress bars.
Good design has the power to turn the users into a marvelous experience. UI/UX designers are no different when it comes to infusing a small amount of pleasure into a seemingly straightforward user experience.

Progress bars are not the most exciting thing, but they are very powerful, even in a wireframe. They are what you see when a screen is loading if you’re downloading something, watching a video, or listening to music. A progress bar shows you have much progress you made and how much left you have got to make.

Progress bars are a great and better way to calm your users. What they do is set expectations and give an impression of the present activity. They are a way of communicating with the user and being transparent. A progress bar tells them: hey, we’re doing what you have asked but it will take some time.

This sort of appropriate feedback lets the end-user know if the interaction was successful or unsuccessful. When the progress bar is complete, a user will feel’s a rush of endorphins, too.

Here are 10 best Hand-picked progress bars that we wouldn’t mind seeing when we have got a little waiting on our hands. It’s time to open your favorite app or tool and get inspired! By the way, if you want to you can also head over to our post on how to prototype progress bars.

Progress Bar – 1

See the Pen
Progress bars
by Markus Hsi-Yang Fritz (@mhyfritz)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 2

See the Pen
Groovy Bars
by Cyriina (@Grimmstar)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 3

See the Pen
Loaders or progress bars
by Pablo Garaguso (@pdg)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 4

See the Pen
Loader Adways 3
by jadw (@jadw)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 5

See the Pen
Fake Progress bar
by Anas Mazouni (@Stormix)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 6

See the Pen
Day 5: Scalable 3D Range Sliders
by Angela He (@zephyo)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 7

See the Pen
Radial progress bars with border radius in canvas
by darsain (@darsain)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 8

See the Pen
by Vergil Penkov (@VPenkov)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 9

See the Pen
Day 60 – Knob
by Arnelle Balane (@arnellebalane)
on CodePen.

Progress Bar – 10

See the Pen
SVG Circle Progress
by Jon Christensen (@JMChristensen)
on CodePen.

If you are looking for a customized progress bar, please let us know and write it in the below comment box.
Happy Coding 🙂

About the author


A coder who is trying to solve some problems via "Procoders", Software Engineer By Profession, WEB Enthusiast, Hobby Blogger. I love to share Tech Ideas and like to learn and explore new things and Technologies.

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