CSS How-To

Best CSS animations

It’s marvelous what can be done with CSS these eras. Support for the latest CSS3 features is strong in the latest versions of all the major web browsers even Internet Explorer and the circumstances for typography, animation and interactivity have never been more famous. But finding web design inspiration will be very tricky.

CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style arrangement to another. These best CSS animation examples consist of two parts, a style defining the CSS animation and a kit of keyframes that indicate the start and end states of the animation’s style, as well as possible intermediate waypoints along the way. Before CSS, animations are used to be limited to Cursor hover effects but now thanks to CSS-3, web developers do not need Flash anymore in order to create web based animations! and movements. CSS now animates without using Silverlight, Flash or Adobe After Effects.

At its core, the secret to a great website is not about showing off with smooth visuals, but it lies in creating a great user experience for users through a design and navigation that guide them to where they want to go swiftly and effortlessly.

Here we are listing some great examples of CSS animations that will provide a burst of web design inspiration. CSS is also great for adding action to your sites – take a look at our guide to CSS animation examples and how to recreate them for your projects. You can utilize these as preloaders as well. If you have any new ideas please contact us for any customized preloaders.

Baby Panda CSS animation

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Flippy Burger CSS Animation

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Speedo meter CSS Animation

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Camera CSS Animation

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Eye CSS animation

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Globe CSS animation

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Fireball CSS Animation

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Light bulb CSS Animation

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Happy Coding πŸ™‚

About the author


A coder who is trying to solve some problems via "Procoders", Software Engineer By Profession, WEB Enthusiast, Hobby Blogger. I love to share Tech Ideas and like to learn and explore new things and Technologies.

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